Moving Forward….


Posted by free2008 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 18, 2021

Good evening parents.   I hope all of you were able to connect on the zoom meeting earlier this evening to receive the recent update from Stuart about all that is going on and how we are planning to maneuver through these latest challenges.  We trust that God has a plan for all of this and we can rely on His strength to carry us through as we continue to take one day at a time.

As we work through these recent challenges, there are several ways that you, as parents, can help us out! First of all, we would like to continue to strongly encourage you to drop-off as close to the 8:45 a.m. time as possible. For after school, students need to be picked up  close to 2:55 possible so we can minimize the congregating of parents and students on the school property.

If you are feeling uncomfortable with having your child at school or your child is feeling ill, and you are keeping your child home please let the office and myself know so that we can plan accordingly. I will be sending out another blog tomorrow afternoon with a list of activities that you can do with your child at home that are based on the activities happening at school.

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